
about me


  • he/him, don't use they/them for me.

  • gay, if i start tweeting about being bi you have to spritz me with water like a misbehaving cat.

  • white + ashkenazi jewish

  • 18

  • autistic + adhd + other things ;) fuck around and find out

  • prince of mind (send help)

  • i do my best to add alt text to images on twitter and captions on tiktok! i also try and provide transcripts for videos/voice tweets i make.

  • ☭, i don't post about my beliefs a lot tho, political arguments online were a bad habit of mine and i try and stay away from them.

  • i fairly regularly retweet art of things i am not into, if you want to be sure if i'm actually into smthn or if i just think the art is neat, dm me! i'll be happy to clarify/disappoint.

my interests

main interests (current and past) in bold
favorites in blue

i am critical of all of these! i am capable of enjoying things with shitty politics while not letting them influence my politics which i would hope didn't need to be said but holy fuck are some of you stupid.


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • the goldfinch

  • the secret history

  • the raven cycle

  • percy jackson and the olympians

  • radio silence

currently reading: i haven't been able to read a real book in over a year :/


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • homestuck

  • five nights at freddy's

  • hawkeye (both kate and clint)

  • the young avengers

  • generation x

  • heartstopper

currently reading: homestuck, again, + mspfas


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • my chemical romance

  • fall out boy

  • the mountain goats

  • lucy dacus

  • taylor swift

  • samia

  • sidney gish

  • olivia rodrigo (don't worry about it)

  • bo burnham (super don't worry about it!)

  • king and queen of the losers

  • mitski

  • regina spektor

  • fiona apple

  • phoebe bridgers

  • ajj

  • the velvet underground

  • boygenius

  • glass animals

currently getting into: tyler, the creator, sidney gish, will wood

check out my last.fm it's revealing and bad


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • sawbones

  • behind the bastards

  • the magnus archives

  • mbmbam and taz, i guess, i'm not an active listener anymore but i still think about them sometimes

currently listening to: podcasts aren't a huge part of my life at the moment lmao


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • supernatural

  • hannibal

  • riverdale

  • new york islanders hockey (calling it a show cause where else am i gonna put it)

  • american vandal

  • schitt's creek

  • killing eve

  • fleabag

  • veep

  • succession

  • sex education

  • shameless

  • criminal minds

currently watching: supernatural (again), community, new girl, glow


main interests in bold
favorites in blue

  • pride

  • venom

  • cats (2019)

  • the social network

  • rocketman

  • handsome devil

  • the lighthouse

  • ferris bueller's day off

  • idk i have a letterboxd and i don't actually watch that many movies

before you follow

  • usual dni criteria, no terf/gender critical shit, pedo shit, racist shit, etc, etc (i'm sure this works super well lmao)

  • other shit that is not welcome: anti acab, pro cop, all lives matter, capitalist, zionist, think jewish = zionist, etc.

  • oh right no fucking proshippers/rainbow meaties, i have nuanced opinions about toxic relationships in media and shit but you freaks can fuck right off

  • i'm 17, i probably won't follow you back if you're under 15

  • if ur bio/carrd just says minor i might dm u to ask ur age.

  • i do not like it's always sunny fans, if we don't know each other from something else and you post about it a lot i will unfollow you/not follow you back.

  • i don't use tone indicators and i'd prefer you don't use them when talking to me but i'll use them for you if you need/want them. just ask!

  • if i'm confused about your tone i'll just ask you.

  • mutuals: please tag mentions/images of worms, leeches, and bugs.

  • i appreciate warnings for images mentioning suicide/using slurs, but its not a necessity.

because homestuck and supernatural have freak infested hell fandoms, if you like either or both of them, please click the appropriate button to read the additional fucking byf pages. >:PPPP why can't ppl be normal and by normal i mean why can't people just agree with all my opinions because i'm right.

spn fandom specific byf (i hate it here!)

i will block you if you commit these crimes

  • wincesties if you even look at me i'll kill you, same for sam/lucifer.

  • if you associate with wincesties i will block you. fucking weirdo.

  • john winchester apologism will not be tolerated.

i will break the mutual/unfollow over these ones

  • i'm usually quite flexible about headcanons but i have a strong preference for gay dean over bi dean and i'm extremely attached to straight trans man sam. i might get fed up with contrary interpretations.

  • no spn cast rpf/sexuality truthing i didn't think i had to say that but aparently i do.

  • if you shit on ships i like (particularly deanbenny, samruby, and destiel).

  • dean hate. he's never done anything wrong except for all the atrocities.

homestuck specific byf

wow this place is a freakshow. i don't respect literally any of you people

  • if you like/kin/apologize for bro strider we will probably have an issue! so maybe don't bother following me unless ur self aware/very guilty about it.

  • brofuckers are fine but they're on thin ice

  • oh right i have to put up an incest freaks dni sign for this fandom too WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING JESUS FUCK. incest freaks get blocked on sight!! i know it's not as wildly prevalent as in the supernatural fandom but i figure i should say it anyways

  • i don't like eridan or equius if you like or kin either of them i will probably softblock you on principle unless we know each other from somewhere already heyyyy purp <3.

  • i like vriska, i'm not so much an apologist as an enjoyer of heinous bitch characters <3 but also i do think she had reasons to be like that and i don't hold most of it against her! if you disagree we might have problems but it's not an instant Wow Get Away type thing i guess.

  • i refer to june as june and use she/her almost always, unless i'm writing about her pre coming out (i have something in the works >:3 in all likelyhood it will never see the light of day but i sure am working on it)


just a list of characters im normal about. definitely not a kin list that would be embarrassing. doubles are fine i literally do not give a shit.

  • diego hargreeves (the umbrella academy)

  • jake english (homestuck)

  • jade harley (homestuck)

  • castiel caslastname (real life (supernatural))

  • dave strider (homestuck)

  • veronica lodge (riverdale)

  • theo decker (the goldfinch)

  • cameron frye (ferris bueller's day off)

  • karkat vantas (homestuck)

  • dipper pines (gravity falls)

4 homestuck characters on the list... struggle tweets. carrds whatever

characters... TWO!

i'm still not calling it a kin list even tho it definitely is that. anyways these are less Wow They're So Me

  • roxy lalonde (homestuck)

  • dean winchester (supernatural)

  • aranea serket (homestuck)

  • david rose (schitt's creek)

  • vanya hargreeves (the umbrella academy)

  • spencer reid (criminal minds)

  • will graham (hannibal)

  • sam winchester (supernatural, s1-s4)

  • jughead jones (riverdale)

  • hiccup haddock iii (how to train your dragon)

  • abed nadir (community)

another 2 homestuck characters on this list just to really emphasize that i am fucked up i guess GXRL HELP